The Essentials for Organising the Perfect Paint Party
Organising the Perfect Paint Party
Got a special occasion coming up and wanna know how to organise the perfect Paint Party for it? You’re gonna not want to look further than this article. We at Paint Juicy know when you combine creativity with a glass of vino and a paint brush, you’ve just landed yourself the most epic time guaranteed.
Are you ready? Here’s our tips on how to organise the perfect Paint Party.
Set Up Your Date and Venue For Your Paint Party
Consider how many people you will be inviting along and then pick your perfect venue. Maybe this could be on Burleigh Hill? Or at your home in the garden surrounded by flowers? Make sure the space is totally equipped for the activity ~ you can pique a lot of interest from your partygoers if you choose a venue that adds a little zing. Of course, this is also dependent on whether you are going to host this virtually or in person.
For your party, you’ll want to pick an artwork for your instructor teach and guide the class. Of course you could always do a free for all version and get everyone to paint whatever they wish. You’ll also need a host to get each attendee fresh water to dip their brushes into, extra paint and whatever is needed.
If you’re looking for a bit of cheeky entertainment to add to the mix like a drag queen or nude model, make sure there’s enough space for them to stand and walk around.
Pick Your Paint Party Theme
Themes are an epic way to make your party just that extra bit special. If you choose to pick a theme, our suggestion is to pick a throwback era as you can play alllll the epic tunes and bops from this time. Plus, who doesn’t love a sweet theme to play dress ups with.
Get Your Paint Party Supplies In Order
Once you’ve confirmed how many guests will be attending the shindig, It’s time to gather your supplies together. Be sure to buy a little extra just in case - it’s always better to be safe! Mishaps or simple errors are always a possibility, and this is where extra supplies come in handy.
As for paint, acrylic is usually the way to go because it is beginner-friendly and non-toxic, but it’s up to you if you prefer a different medium. What you’ll need to buy: brushes, easels, canvases, palettes, aprons, napkins and dipping cups. If you’re uncertain about the colours you need or how much you should buy, there are tons of paint kits available you can buy in bulk! (Stay tuned, we have something special coming to our website very soon).
After this, you’ve just gotta supply the sips and snacks = viola!
That’s the tea, sis. If you’d like to save the hassle and stress of setting up for an event, why not have your Paint Party in either of our studios located in Burleigh Heads or Upper Coomera?