The Importance Of Work Parties

Whether it’s celebrating the silly season or just some casual bonding fun, getting the work gang together can be one of the most epic times of your life. After all, these really are the people you spend the majority of your time with each week (we hope you like or at the very least, tolerate em’!). It’s time for you to create that epic sense of belonging for your team and where better to go than our humble abode here at Paint Juicy? Check out these top reasons why you should definitely indulge in a work party. 


Work Parties Improve Company Culture

This should be a priority for every workplace. If you’re looking to increase productivity, it’s absolutely worth going out of your way to make your employees feel taken care of. Whether it’s simple words of encouragement for their achievement, asking if their mental health is okay or a night out on the town at a Paint Juicy sesh, it’s as simple as that. Notice the energy shift and their confidence skyrocket when they feel a wonderful sense of community goodness. This kind of environment also encourages casual chat where you can discuss potential issues within the biz and solutions on how to improve from within, which leads to our next hot tip. 


Work Parties Enable Collaboration

When people come together in support of one another, big things can happen. Think about it. As each person, as they own unique skill sets, what’s better than problem-solving at work? It’s truly the key to success. This kind of wonderfulness also has the power to bring each team member closer to one another and is a chance to learn something new. At our Paint Juicy work party paint and sip sessions, we focus on bringing your team together to create epic artwork. Whether it’s individual pieces coming together to create one gigantic mural or just coming together for a regular paint and sip sesh ~ it’s the perfect way to bring your team together and get everyone a little closer.


Work Parties Help With Staff Retention 

If you’re lucky enough to hold onto your staff from day dot, this is going to be the most powerful way to subconsciously allow people to put trust into your company. Communicating effectively taking steps to encourage honesty allows for those experiencing burnout to feel safe when letting their team members know and creating a good-natured environment to be a part of. Picking people that vibe with your company culture and also appreciate these kinds of thoughtful actions is the perfect way to create retention from the very beginning. It may not seem like it, but a small act such as bringing your team out to a Paint Juicy sesh can actually be the kind of culture likely to keep your employees sticking around.


Give Them A Party To Support Motivation

Everyone loves a bit of recognition for their hard work and achievements. Not only is this the perfect way to increase motivation but it truly uplifts spirits making going to work each day just that little bit more rewarding. Having some fun with your team at a work party definitely adds a dash of joy inspiring those to work hard and reap the rewards. Like,  imagine having the fabulous knowledge you and your team get to party together at a Paint Juicy sesh over some sips, charcuterie boards and sweet tunes all because your boss thinks you’re all superstars? What an absolute dream to work extra hard. 

If we’ve inspired bringing some joy to your coworkers and you feel like having a boogie with us in either of our kaleidoscopic studios, reach out! Over the silly season and beyond we’d love to be that beacon of fun your workmates can’t wait to partake in.